Thursday, May 6, 2010

The Mediator!

Hello Again, well guess what... I read another book (ANOTHER ONE) what is that like a hundred now? (way more than that...)
Now I'm going to stop babbling and tell you about this wonderful book...
The Mediator By Jennifer Philips, like I said on my last post I had read a preview of it and really liked it so I decided to buy it, which brings us to right now I read it in exactly 24 hours. Yes in one day I read the whole thing! from the time the post man dropped it off to the exact same time the next day and just to let you know if I finish a book that quickly that means it was good (REALLY GOOD!). I loved the dialog the characters (well except Kyle) but he did play big part so he's kinda important... But anyway it was fan-didley-astic! the story line was great and just the thrill of the story It kept me awake so to speak. I absa-freakin-lutley suggest it! please go buy it on and support Jennifer because she's really talented!

Also her sequel is already out too it's called "The Forgotten" I plan on getting it in actually a few minutes lol :) so the next post will probably be on it or a book I read just before The Mediator called "Wild Roses" by Deb Caletti...